eyboard-Only Focus

After playing a lot with HTML & CSS, I present you with a very robust and practical solution to one of the most annoying problems: keyboard-only focus on interactive elements. All thanks to tabindex in HTML and almost to no CSS.

One of the things I couldn’t manage to find a solution for a long time was a problem of focus styles on interactive elements. The problem was: when you have an element with some :focus styles, they’re applied not only to the focused state itself but also after you just click on this element (and it behaves differently for different elements in different browsers, of course).

What this meant is that whenever you wanted to have some custom element, you would need to compromise in how the focus state would look like, because if you’d make it too bright or distinct from the normal state, users would see it whenever they’d click the elements with those styles. So you’re either getting the too noticeable effect when it is not needed or not enough noticeable effect when it is needed. Accessibility-wise, the former is, of course, better, but what if we could make those styles not to apply when you click at all?

In this post, I’ll present to you the solutionGo to a sidenote I had found. It is not perfect, but I think this is enough for us to start making our elements both having a distinct bright focus state and be good looking when users would use a mouse, a trackpad etc.

urrent State of the Problem

To understand the problem better, we should look at how things behave in different browsers for the simplest test case.

Try to hover, click and switch focus over those controls:

I'm a link! I'm a span!

Browsers behave a bit differently there:

hich Browsers Get the Focus Ring After Click

Browser Button Link Span
Chrome Yes Yes Yes
Edge Yes Yes Yes
Firefox Win Yes Yes Yes
Firefox Mac No Yes Yes
Safari No YesGo to a sidenote Yes

We can already see that for most elements in all browsers we would get that focused state when we’d click our custom element, while for the <button>s in Safari and Firefox for Mac we won’t.

ossible Solution in the Specs?

One thing we should always do when we start experimenting is to see if there is already a solution in current or incoming specifications.

The latest draft of Selectors Level 4 provides us with two new focus-related pseudo-classes: focus-within and focus-visible.

In theory, :focus-visible should help usGo to a sidenote: we could use it for keyboard focus styles while leaving the normal :focus without anything excess. But there are two problems: it still has a limited browser support, and this pseudo-class is already a bit flawed:

I'm a link! I'm a span!

If you’d look at this example in Firefox, you could see two different issues:

  1. At Firefox for Mac it would work properly unless you’d click on a styled span, in which case you’ll see the focus-ring. That’s unfortunate, as while for proper native controls things are ok, I’m sure there would be cases when people would like to have this kind of control over interactive parts of pages that should have the same behavior as the native controls. But as things are work as intended at Windows, maybe that behavior at Mac is a bug? Probably we could see it fixed in future.
  2. This issue is bigger and worse — as Patrick has mentioned on the birdsite, there is a really weird heuristic which makes the :-moz-focusring to apply all-the-time once you’ve used a keyboard navigation on page at least once. That makes this solution not stable enough. Especially, given that in some cases I managed to “break” Firefox making it to consider every page to be in this keyboard-navigation always-on from the start and on refresh, which was fixed only after the browser restart.

In other browsers, you shouldn’t see anything there unless someone would already implement the :focus-visible. If that would happen — tell me and I’ll update this post!

y Initial Solution

I was playing with one of my favorite CSS properties — visibility — when I had my “bingo” moment. After validating my idea and seeing it work I was really surprised I didn’t come to this solution before. After some testingGo to a sidenote, I found out that not everything is so smooth, but more on this later.


I think this property deserves its own separate article just to show all the things you can do with it. But for now I’ll briefly tell which its features would be really useful for our case:

  1. Whenever you have an element with visibility: hidden, you can use visibility: visible on its children to make them visible.
  2. Whenever you hide an element using visibility: hidden, it would not only become visually invisible (like with opacity), but it wouldn’t also get keyboard focus and wouldn’t be visible to assistive technologies. You can guess that the part about the keyboard focus is what interests us there.

You could already see where all of this leads us to: what if we’ll add another element inside our interactive element, then use visibility: hidden on the element itself, but then return its contents back with visibility: visible?

The answer: the element would become accessible only using pointing-and-clicking devices, as clicking on the insides of a hidden element still triggers all the events on it. Of course, that’s not exactly what we need, as we actually need the keyboard focus and don’t want to lose in accessibility in any way.

hen to Hide

But then I was wondering: what if we would use this method of hiding-and-showing only when the pointer device is used? The pseudo-classes :hover and :active come to mind.

After playing a bit with different combinations, the most logical way would be to use both states: :hover:active. Unless we interact with an element with something that is actually pointing it we won’t trigger this state. With it, our solution would look like this:

.Button:active:hover {
  visibility: hidden;

:active:hover > .Button-Content {
  visibility: visible;

Of course, in that case, we’d need to move all the visual styling of the button to the inner element, and use the parent element only for layout.

And then when we’d need to declare all the states like :hover, :active and :focus, we’d need to do them using selectorsGo to a sidenote like :focus > .Button-Content.

Here, look at this example (better not in Firefox for now):

I'm a link! I'm a span!

We’re almost there! If you’d look at this example in Chrome or Edge, everything would work perfectly: when you’d click those buttons, they would work and won’t become visibly focused, but you would still be able to focus them from the keyboard and see the focus ring.

However, there are a few issues in other browsers: Safari and Firefox. In Safari the first button (the one that is made using <button>) would suddenly have the focus state clipped as if the parent button had overflow: hidden (while this is not the case). This is easily fixed by adding position: relative on the inner element which somehow fixes this bug.

But in Firefox… Well, our :hover:active stuff just doesn’t work. And even more to it, if we’d actually listen to the button’s events, then on <button> we won’t getGo to a sidenote a click when we click (and that should be a click, not a tap!). That only happens when you change the visibility of a <button> on the :active state.

ixing Firefox

Update from 28 June 2017: At the time of writing this part I didn’t test things in Firefox for Win. After testing it there I found out that this solution is completely unusable due to various problems in Firefox for Windows' implementation of buttons. Do not use this fix.

After spending a lot of time on trying to find a fix for Firefox, the best fix I could find was this:

inal Initial Solution

With all those fixes, our example would look like this and should work the same in all modern browsers:

I'm a link! I'm a span!

But not that fast. In Firefox for Windows there are severe problems with buttons' implementation which lead to this solution being unusable. Thanks for Ian Devlin for pointing this out. In Firefox for Windows you still would see the focus ring over the <button> there on click, and after you’d use keyboard navigation at least once, things would go completely wrong — Firefox would treat each :focus as if it has :-moz-focusring, which would be multiplied by another problem with buttons which would lead to <button> not to register clicks.

You can see how this initial solution worked on this CodePen pen, without any extra styling (except for all: initial on buttons).

roper Solution

After writing and publishing this article, and then finding out the actual solution just don’t work in Firefox for Windows (and not just not work — in some conditions it makes the buttons inaccessible), I’ve tried to find a proper solution. And, I think, I found it! Still not ideal at Firefox for Windows, but without those severe problems. I hope.

The solution came after watching this video by Rob Dobson that Vadim Makeev had suggested to me and reading this article about tabindex that was suggested by Patrick H. Lauke.

Look at it:

I'm a link! I'm a span!

If should work everywhere except for one case: only in Firefox for Windows after you’ll use keyboard navigation at least once, you’ll see focus ring after clicking on the <button> element. Maybe it is possible to fix this case, but its not criticalGo to a sidenote.

The fun thing: this solution is even simpler than the previous one.

  1. We’re just adding a tabindex="-1" to the inner element, which makes all browsers to set actual focus not on the interactive element itself, but on its insides. And when an element has focus inside of it, all the keyboard events would still work properly, so you could “click” this button from keyboard without any problems. This is possible due to how browsers handle that negative tabindex — they don’t put elements with it to the keyboard focus list, but make it possible to focus those elements by clicking on them or by setting focus programmatically.
  2. The only place where this fix doesn’t work is Firefox for Windows. There, only for a <button> element, you would still see the focus ring. I’ve fixed it using the :-moz-focusring by removing the focus styles when we don’t need them. Of course, due to Firefox' strange heuristic, after you’ll use keyboard navigation at least once, you’ll then see this focusring on click, but that’s a minor drawback and everything would still work otherwise.

Here is an HTML similarGo to a sidenote to the one used for this solution:

<button class="Button" type="button" tabindex="0">
  <span class="Button-Content" tabindex="-1">
    I'm a button!

<a class="Button" href="#x" tabindex="0">
  <span class="Button-Content" tabindex="-1">
    I'm a link!

<span class="Button" tabindex="0">
  <span class="Button-Content" tabindex="-1">
    I'm a span!

And here is the final CSSGo to a sidenote for our method:

/* Fixing the Safari bug for `<button>`s overflow */
.Button-Content {
  position: relative;

/* All the states on the inner element */
:hover > .Button-Content {
  background: blue;

:active > .Button-Content {
  background: darkorange;

:focus > .Button-Content {
  box-shadow: 0 0 3px 7px lime;

/* Removing the focus ring styles specifically for button in Firefox */
button:not(:-moz-focusring):focus > .ComplexButton-Content {
  box-shadow: none;

/* Removing default outline only after we've added our custom one */
.Button-Content:focus {
  outline: none;

Note that while the parent element is not hidden at any moment unlike at the previous solution with visibility, it is still better to have all the styles for our element on the inner element due to various reasons.

As an added bonus, if we’d want, we can now choose how we’d want to have our element when focusing it programmatically: we can have a visual focus by focusing an outer element, or we can choose not to have focus by focusing the inner element. Even more to it: if we’d add another inner element with the tabindex="-1", then we could style element differently now in three cases: on keyboard focus, on click focus and on programmatic focus.

emaining Problems

So, not a lot of problems after all. If you’ll see anything in the final example in the browser you use, let me know!

inal Words

Now we can use a nice and noticeable keyboard focus state for our interactive elements without compromising in how it would look for others. That’s the thing I tried to fix for years and I don’t even remember the number of attempts I did to fix it. I’m really glad I finally nailed it, and I hope browsers would start supporting the :focus-ring pseudo-class, and that it wouldn’t have that annoying heuristic that it has now and would work for any elements that have a set tabindex.

Thank you for reading.

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